Monday, September 13, 2010

Elevation of the Life-Giving Cross

O Lord, save Thy people,
And bless Thine inheritance.
Grant victory to the Thy people
Over the their enemies
And by the power of Thy Cross
Preserve Thy commonwealth.
Armenian Orthodox shrine commemorating the finding of the true cross of Jesus by St. Helena,
Grotto of Basilica of Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
Armenian Orthodox shrine commemorating the finding of the true cross of Jesus by St. Helena,
Grotto of Basilica of Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
Catholic shrine commemorating the finding of the true cross of Jesus by St. Helena,
Grotto of Basilica of Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem

As You were voluntarily raised upon the cross for our sake,

Grant mercy to those who are called by Your Name, O Christ God;
Make all Orthodox Christians glad by Your power,
Granting them victories over their adversaries,
By bestowing on them the Invincible trophy, Your weapon of Peace.
The location where Jesus' cross once stood,
Mt. Calvary, Basilica of Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
Catholic shrine commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus,
Mt. Calvary, Basilica of Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem

Tracing an up right line with his staff, 
Moses divided the Red Sea for Israel, which was travelling on foot,
and striking it a transverse blow, 
he brought the waters together over the chariots of Pharaoh, 
there by inscribing the invincible weapon of the Cross.
Wherefore, let us hymn Christ our God, for He hath been glorified.
Armenian Orthodox shrine commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus,
Mt. Calvary, Basilica of Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem

Let us pray for the Lord's blessing on all of us through His cross, as we listen to Lord, Save Thy People: 

Let us also meditate on the mystery of the life-giving cross as we listen to Tracing an Up Right Line: